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RMLL — Material

First of all, we want to thank all RMLL organizers and especially the chairs of the security track: Christophe Brocas and Mathieu Blanc. You did a great a job.

If you have missed our presentation, we made the slides available here.

Finally, for those who want to (re)play the workshop, we provide here an ISO image. Its a debian image that ships with up to date haka binaries. When you launch the virtual machine, you will find shortcuts on the desktop for the workshop along with full haka documentation. Happy diving into Haka !

RMLL 2014

The 15th Libre Software Meeting will be held July 5-11. We will be happy to meet you at RMLL 2014 to:

  • Attend our presentation “Hackers do the Haka”. The talk will be given on Tuesday 8th.
  • Dive into our workshop scheduled on Thursday 10th morning: 9h30-12h30. We prepared a lot of funny scripts just for you.

SSTIC 2014 Slides

You have missed our presentation. Don’t worry, we made the slides available here.

Thanks to SSTIC organizers effort, all presentations have been recorded. We will provide very soon a link to (re)play it.

SSTIC 2014 Paper

As you have already know, we will give tomorrow a short presentation of our paper “Un langage orienté réseaux et sécurité” at SSTIC. For interested readers, the long version paper is available for download here. Slides will be made available soon after the session.

Note that the content of the paper is related to the version 0.1 of Haka. Many improvements have been made since the initial release. A new version featuring a grammar for protocol dissection will be published very soon.


Our paper “Haka - Un langage orienté réseaux et sécurité” has been accepted for presentation at SSTIC conference.

Hope to see you there to attend our presentation !